Why our properties are non-smoking


Tenants safety
Most fatal fires are started by discarded cigarettes, matches and lighters. 
“Last year, there were around 11 smoking related fires per week and at least one smoking related fire fatality every month. These are often small fires started when people have fallen asleep smoking or have been drinking and smoking. It’s not uncommon for people to have died in these sorts of fires before the alarm is even raised. (Fire service report 2017)

Obnoxious smell
The smell permeates the room and all soft furnishings are affected. Nicotine and tar coat the walls and ceilings with a yellow film. Cleaning this substance off is most unpleasant. White paint is stained

• Length of tenancy
Students stay in the property for a year – sometimes two. It is not practical to wash all walls and ceilings and repaint between tenancies

• Damage
We get cigarette burns to carpets, flooring, furniture and soft furnishings.

• Consequences
Smoking really DOES cause lung cancer. The best smokers can hope for is a future featuring bronchitis and emphysema. This also applies to non-smokers who have to breath in exhaled smoke particles etc. 


We appreciate that smoking or not is a personal choice and have, in some properties, provided external smoking shelters.  These enable those who choose not to smoke cigarettes to live in a smoke free environment.