Vortex Property Ltd is the management company for three private landlords who let shared student homes in the Plumstead and Woolwich areas of the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
We have over twenty-five years experience in renting to students and we aim to provide good quality accommodation at affordable rents. Our properties are licenced and registered as Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) with the Royal Borough of Greenwich. There are no hidden charges and properties are let inclusive of all bills, to pre-formed groups. There is a generous limit on energy bills, placed in order to encourage sensible usage of gas and electricity.
Our typical tenant is generally a second year student who has chosen to move out of hall and live, with friends, as a "family" group. It is not uncommon for students to stay in our properties for a second year.
During the Covid pandemic we had nurses in some of our properties and two of them remain as homes for foreign nurses working at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital
We aim to provide a friendly, professional service based on mutual respect